
The All Seeing Blind


The golds of Saddam, the last booties of the Iraqi war, are smuggled into Turkey by hidden in the cotton. Blind workers are used to pick the gold from the cotton but the smugglers try to prevent any possible thefts by telling the workers that it is rock they are picking from the cotton. They don't know that there's a seeing eye among the blind workers.

Release Date : 2017-10-21

Language :Turkish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Kemal Burak Alper

Character Name :

Original Name : Kemal Burak Alper

Gender : Male

Engin Yüksel

Character Name :

Original Name : Engin Yüksel

Gender : Male

Serdar Şeker

Character Name :

Original Name : Serdar Şeker

Gender : Male

Nermin Kurtuluş

Character Name :

Original Name : Nermin Kurtuluş

Gender : Male


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