
How I Taught Myself to Be a Child


Paul Silberstein, youngest son of an urbane but deeply strange old Austrian dynasty of confectionery millionaires, discovers the power of love and humor - and also his own extraordinary ability to shape his realities. Based on the motives of the short story with the same name by André Heller.

Release Date : 2019-03-01

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Dor FilmORFARTESRARD

Production Country : AustriaGermany

Alternative Titles :


Karl Markovics

Character Name : Roman Silberstein

Original Name : Karl Markovics

Gender : Male

Sabine Timoteo

Character Name : Emma Silberstein

Original Name : Sabine Timoteo

Gender : Female

André Wilms

Character Name : Uncle Louis

Original Name : André Wilms

Gender : Male

Valentin Hagg

Character Name : Paul Silberstein

Original Name : Valentin Hagg

Gender : Male


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