Fatal Rescue
- The mystery surrounding Mike is that of Andy the mother's brother who disappeared in the woods one day.
A Catastrophe happens on the day before Emilies and Jacobs divorce. Toby their son falls into a hidden well while playing. Jacob must deal with the life threatening situation as well as deal with Mike, a firefighter and old romantic interest of Emilie together they are unsuccessful at rescuing the boy. Time and tragedy are fierce ticking bombs, and amidst Jacob and Mike's faltering ego's, the mystery of the well and the new discovery of a 100 year old tunnel defy any logical explanation.
Release Date : 2009-04-14
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Jacob Jones
Original Name : Steve Guttenberg
Gender : Male
Character Name : Emilie Jones
Original Name : Aislinn Sands
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mike Garner
Original Name : Dominic Rickhards
Gender : Male
Character Name : Toby Jones
Original Name : Nicolas Landman-Burghardt
Gender : Male
Character Name : Bernhard Bauer
Original Name : Martin Höner
Gender : Male
Character Name : Rachel Thompson
Original Name : Anna Fin
Gender : Female
Character Name : Paul
Original Name : Florian Kriener
Gender : Male
Character Name : Pauls Mother
Original Name : Melissa Holroyd
Gender : Female
Character Name : Firefighter
Original Name : Robert Dreno
Gender : Male
Character Name : Andy
Original Name : Maximilian Artajo
Gender : Male
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