
Captives of Hate


Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with him and agrees to marry him, inviting the wrath of his secretary and lover Tzina, who, in order to get even with him, reveals to Vicky that Angelos' ships don't transport food, medicine and indispensable articles to Africa, but guns, ammunition and even mercenaries. Viky is shocked. She turns in von Zirach to the police and leaves. After some years, she returns to him with their son Freiderikos, when von Zirach has donated his fortune to the orphans of Biafra.

Release Date : 1972-12-27

Language :Greek

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Finos Film

Production Country : Greece

Alternative Titles :


Zoe Laskari

Character Name : Vicky Kouvariotou

Original Name : Ζωή Λάσκαρη

Gender : Female

Kostas Karras

Character Name : Angelos von Zirach

Original Name : Κώστας Καρράς

Gender : Male

Eleni Anousaki

Character Name : Tzina

Original Name : Ελένη Ανουσάκη

Gender : Female

Nikos Dadinopoulos

Character Name : Vicky's Brother

Original Name : Νίκος Δαδινόπουλος

Gender : Male

Grigoris Vafias

Character Name :

Original Name : Γρηγόρης Βαφιάς

Gender : Male

Yorgos Bellos

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιώργος Μπέλλος

Gender : Male

Niki Tsigalou

Character Name :

Original Name : Νίκη Τσιγκάλου

Gender : Female

Giorgos Siskos

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιώργος Σίσκος

Gender : Male

Giannis Kandilas

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιάννης Κανδήλας

Gender : Male

Dimitris Tsoutsis

Character Name :

Original Name : Δημήτρης Τσούτσης

Gender : Male

George Tsaousis

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιώργος Τσαούσης

Gender : Male

Dinos Karidis

Character Name :

Original Name : Ντίνος Καρύδης

Gender : Male

Nikos Pashalidis

Character Name :

Original Name : Νίκος Πασχαλίδης

Gender : Male

Giorgos Zaifidis

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιώργος Ζαϊφίδης

Gender : Male

Giannis Savvaidis

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιάννης Σαββαΐδης

Gender : Male

Mairi Farmaki

Character Name :

Original Name : Μαίρη Φαρμάκη

Gender : Female

Giannis Sidiropoulos

Character Name :

Original Name : Γιάννης Σιδηρόπουλος

Gender : Male

Mania Koliandri

Character Name :

Original Name : Μάνια Κολιανδρή

Gender : Female

Nikos Kikilias

Character Name :

Original Name : Νίκος Κικίλιας

Gender : Male

Nikos Avagianos

Character Name : Dancer

Original Name : Νίκος Αβαγιανός

Gender : Male


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