
Nuestros muertos


Elda Neyis Mosquera, aka Karina, was the only guerrilla woman to have led a Front. She was a romantic, idealistic and loving woman. But when she went to court, she was charged with atrocious crimes. However, things could have happened differently. She could have married and had children with Daniel, a fellow guerrilla. But Elda decided to follow the orders of his superiors and killed him because he was an infiltrator. Since then, she struggles to find forgiveness.

Release Date : 2018-01-02

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Noodles Production

Production Country : ColombiaFrance

Alternative Titles :


Natalia Reyes

Character Name :

Original Name : Natalia Reyes

Gender : Female

Maia Toulemonde

Character Name :

Original Name : Maia Toulemonde

Gender : Male

Nelson Camayo

Character Name :

Original Name : Nelson Camayo

Gender : Male


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