
The Place We Go To Hide


Two sleepwalkers, Martha and Quentin, check into a hotel as returning guests and live parallel lives during their waking hours. Little do they know that in their sleep, they fall for each other time and time again. The film poses the question: When it comes to human connection, are we actually sleepwalking through our waking lives?

Release Date : 2014-01-01

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Tom Ellis

Character Name : Quentin

Original Name : Tom Ellis

Gender : Male

Daisy Lowe

Character Name : Martha

Original Name : Daisy Lowe

Gender : Female

Elarica Johnson

Character Name : Celeste

Original Name : Elarica Johnson

Gender : Female

Samuel Feeney

Character Name : Bobby

Original Name : Samuel Feeney

Gender : Male

Hanneke Talbot

Character Name :

Original Name : Hanneke Talbot

Gender : Female


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