At the River


A day in the life of a mother and her daughter, who have already reached a stage in life where their age difference is barely noticeable. One day, the two are visited by a young official who quite unwittingly makes the mother feel young again, and so she decides to set out for a walk by the river together with her daughter. It becomes increasingly clear to both of them that the best days of their lives are past and that they make a ludicrous impression wherever they go. However, they somehow keep their spirits up and try to enjoy this last walk together. They both know that this is the very last of the ‘grand days’ of their lives.

Release Date : 2007-06-22

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Russia

Alternative Titles :


Marina Politseymako

Character Name :

Original Name : Марина Полицеймако

Gender : Female

Nina Ruslanova

Character Name :

Original Name : Нина Русланова

Gender : Female

Sergey Bekhterev

Character Name :

Original Name : Сергей Бехтерев

Gender : Male

Yuri Nevgamonny

Character Name :

Original Name : Юрій Невгамонний

Gender : Male

Natalya Buzko

Character Name : Mat Nasti

Original Name : Наталья Бузько

Gender : Female


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