Hiding and Seeking
An Orthodox Jewish father tries to alert his adult sons to the dangers of creating impenetrable barriers between themselves and those outside their faith. He takes them on an emotional journey to Poland to track down the family who risked their lives to hide their grandfather for more than two years during World War II. Like many children of survivors, the sons feel that Poland is a country that is incurably anti-Semitic, but it is precisely here that they meet people who personify the highest levels of compassion
Release Date : 2004-02-06
Language :EnglishPolishYiddish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : ITVS
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles : Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Akiva Daum
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Menachem Daum
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Rifka Daum
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Tzvi Dovid Daum
Gender : Male
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