

- Love is never perfectly arranged

In 1953, two young Italian children are promised in marriage by their fathers. Twenty one years on - despite changing times, fading traditions and 70's liberation - the pair are expected to marry, or face the consequences.

Release Date : 2019-10-24

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Paul Mercurio

Character Name : Sal

Original Name : Paul Mercurio

Gender : Male

Antoniette Iesue

Character Name : Angela

Original Name : Antoniette Iesue

Gender : Female

Daniel Berini

Character Name : Robert

Original Name : Daniel Berini

Gender : Male

Mirko Grillini

Character Name : Joe

Original Name : Mirko Grillini

Gender : Male

Tina Arena

Character Name : Rosalba

Original Name : Tina Arena

Gender : Female

Sunday Barca Irving

Character Name : Diana

Original Name : Sunday Barca Irving

Gender : Male

Santo Tripodi

Character Name : Tom

Original Name : Santo Tripodi

Gender : Male

Luke Christopoulos

Character Name : Bruno

Original Name : Luke Christopoulos

Gender : Male

Nick Carrafa

Character Name : Mr. Bellucci

Original Name : Nick Carrafa

Gender : Male

Claire Gazzo

Character Name : Gianna

Original Name : Claire Gazzo

Gender : Male

Nicole Coombs

Character Name : Stephanie

Original Name : Nicole Coombs

Gender : Male






‘Promised’ hopes to be a standout in the Australian film landscape, but just falls flat. For older viewers, it might hold more resonance, but personally, after my own personal nostalgia wore off, I was left with a mediocre film. The acting is fine and the story is somewhat interesting, but the filmmakers just don't quite pull it off. - Chris dos Santos Read Chris' full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-promised-flashback-to-australian-italians-in-the-1970s-is-a-bland-affair