
Sleepwalking Through The Mekong


Sleepwalking Through the Mekong follows Los Angeles based band Dengue Fever on their recent journey to Cambodia to perform 60s and 70s Cambodian rock n' roll in the country where it was created and very nearly destroyed. The odyssey is a homecoming for singer Chhom Nimol and a transformation for the rest of the band as they perform with master musicians and record new songs along the way. More than a rockumentary, the film serves up a portrait of modern Cambodia as the band tours through Phnom Penh and beyond, crossing a great cultural chasm with the same spirit of Cambodia's original rock pioneers.

Release Date : 2007-04-14

Language :KhmerEnglish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : CambodiaUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Ethan Holtzman

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Ethan Holtzman

Gender : Male

Zac Holtzman

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Zac Holtzman

Gender : Male

Chhom Nimol

Character Name : Herself

Original Name : Chhom Nimol

Gender : Male

David Ralicke

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : David Ralicke

Gender : Male

Paul Dreux Smith

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Paul Dreux Smith

Gender : Male

Senon Gaus Williams

Character Name : Himself

Original Name : Senon Gaus Williams

Gender : Male


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