
The Surge


Matia, a marginal young man, escapes to an island in the River Paraná. In an uncomfortable atmosphere that is not his own, he tries to start a new life, but the tensions his arrival cause take him back to his criminal past and to the idea of having to flee in order to survive.

Release Date : 2019-04-13

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Hain Cine

Production Country : Argentina

Alternative Titles :


Cristian Salguero

Character Name : Matia

Original Name : Cristian Salguero

Gender : Male

Mercedes Burgos

Character Name :

Original Name : Mercedes Burgos

Gender : Male

Héctor Bordoni

Character Name :

Original Name : Héctor Bordoni

Gender : Male

Facundo Aquinos

Character Name :

Original Name : Facundo Aquinos

Gender : Male


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