- What Lies Behind Closed Doors
Bedrooms tells a story about the walls that separate people, the heartbreak and infidelity that's often the result and the redemption that comes from tearing those walls down. The film is told in 4 stories by 3 filmmakers. Three of the stories deal with married couples of various ages confronting the turning points of their relationships. A fourth story is interwoven throughout, providing bookends and context in the form of a story about ten year old twins, who, tired of sharing their bedroom set out to build a wall between their beds to create their own spaces. In building the wall to separate, they come to fully appreciate all things that connect them. Bedrooms explores human relationships, their myriad complications and the daily choice we face to either make them work or to move on.
Release Date : 2010-01-01
Language :
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Julian
Original Name : Jordan Belfi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Anna
Original Name : Julie Benz
Gender : Female
Character Name : Harry
Original Name : Xander Berkeley
Gender : Male
Character Name : Beth
Original Name : Moon Bloodgood
Gender : Female
Character Name : Roger
Original Name : Barry Bostwick
Gender : Male
Character Name : Janet
Original Name : Sarah Clarke
Gender : Female
Character Name : Sal
Original Name : Jesse Garcia
Gender : Male
Character Name : (voice)
Original Name : Kurt Kelly
Gender : Male
Character Name : Walter
Original Name : Enn Reitel
Gender : Male
Character Name : John
Original Name : Maury Rogow
Gender : Male
Character Name : Max
Original Name : Dylan Sprayberry
Gender : Male
Character Name : Daisy
Original Name : Ellery Sprayberry
Gender : Female
Character Name : Marnie
Original Name : Dee Wallace
Gender : Female
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