Workingman's Death
- A documentary on the extremes to which workers will go to earn a living.
Is heavy manual labour disappearing or is it just becoming invisible? Where can we still find it in the 21st century? Workingman's Death follows the trail of the HEROES in the illegal mines of the Ukraine, sniffs out GHOST among the sulphur workers in Indonesia, finds itself face to face with LIONS at a slaughterhouse in Nigeria, mingles with BROTHERS as they cut a huge oil tanker into pieces in Pakistan, and joins Chinese steel workers in hoping for a glorious FUTURE.
Release Date : 2005-11-25
Language :EnglishMandarinIgboIndonesianYorubaGermanPushtoRussian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : OFIORFMedien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-WürttembergARTEVienna Film Financing FundQuinte Film GmbHLotus-Film
Production Country : AustriaFranceGermany
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