Circus of Life
A devout Muslim who writes, composes, and even records hymns praising the Prophet, Muhammad Rahat Khawaja is a respected elderly man who works in real estate and takes care of his bedridden wife. One day, he attends the wedding of a friend's son, where he inadvertently shows off a dance in front of his friends and family. His dance gets recorded and then uploaded to all social media platforms, which then also gets broadcasted on television. And chaos begins to ensue in his quiet life. Other than his wife, no one else in the world understands Rahat's circumstances. His daughters and neighbors criticize him, his friends turn their backs on him
Release Date : 2020-01-24
Language :PunjabiUrdu
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Khoosat FilmsIMGC Global EntertainmentDistribution Club (DC)
Production Country : Pakistan
Alternative Titles : Circus of Life
Character Name : Muhammad Rahat Khawaja
Original Name : Arif Hassan
Gender : Male
Character Name : Farkhanda
Original Name : Samiya Mumtaz
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sadaf
Original Name : Eman Suleman
Gender : Female
Character Name : Danish
Original Name : Ali Kureshi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Cameo
Original Name : Sarmad Sultan Khoosat
Gender : Male
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