
E.M.P. 333 Days


After an E.M.P. (Electro Magnetic Pulse) weapon is deployed, North America is forced to live in pre industrial conditions. Anything electrical is useless, sending the country into anarchy. An introverted 11 year old girl must fend and fight for herself while trying to find her father.

Release Date : 2019-09-28

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Indie Rights

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Rosa Ferreri

Character Name : Niamh

Original Name : Rosa Ferreri

Gender : Male

Liam Davidson

Character Name : William

Original Name : Liam Davidson

Gender : Male

Martin Saunders

Character Name : John

Original Name : Martin Saunders

Gender : Male

Derek Bell

Character Name : Craig

Original Name : Derek Bell

Gender : Male

Cheryl Jan Ellis

Character Name : Grandma

Original Name : Cheryl Jan Ellis

Gender : Male

Dan Smith

Character Name : Zain

Original Name : Dan Smith

Gender : Male






Movie is very realistic, a father that teaches his eleven year old daughter the basics of survival, from shooting, a multi tool, survival living and living off the land. The father explains that things can unexpectedly happen and she should be familiar with how to do things in an emergency. Well, an EMP was activated and the world was without electric power, food and protection and you took care of yourself. Against, the odds and my thoughts this little girl survives bad men, food and living conditions eating off the land makes it to the fathers map location and becomes one of the perimeter guards. It was at this point early in the morning I thought she would just shoot to kill any intruder, oh my, it turns out she verified the face and realized it was her dad that was hurt and on foot. What a excellent ending to a rough life! Rosa Ferreri is outstanding in her first featured role. This movie is an "A".