
Diablo Rojo PTY


A "Diablo Rojo" bus driver, his helper, a priest, and two policemen fall victim to a mysterious spell and end up lost somewhere in the Chiriqui jungle, where they will have to survive the creatures that inhabit the roads, with the old bus as their only refuge.

Release Date : 2019-09-19

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Panama Horror Film Company

Production Country : Panama

Alternative Titles :


Carlos Carrasco

Character Name : Miguel Moreno

Original Name : Carlos Carrasco

Gender : Male

Leo Wiznitzer

Character Name : Padre Andres

Original Name : Leo Wiznitzer

Gender : Male

Alejandra Araúz

Character Name : Josefina Becerra

Original Name : Alejandra Araúz

Gender : Male

Natalia Beluche

Character Name : Melida

Original Name : Natalia Beluche

Gender : Male

Renan Fernandez

Character Name : Teo Carrington

Original Name : Renan Fernandez

Gender : Male

Julian Urriola

Character Name : Junito el pavo

Original Name : Julian Urriola

Gender : Male

Blas Valois

Character Name : Winnie Pinilla

Original Name : Blas Valois

Gender : Male

Simón Tejeira Healy

Character Name : Padre Andres de joven

Original Name : Simón Tejeira Healy

Gender : Male

Mariela Aragón Chiari

Character Name : Bruja Mayor 1

Original Name : Mariela Aragón Chiari

Gender : Male

Marisín Luzcando

Character Name : Bruja Mayor 2

Original Name : Marisín Luzcando

Gender : Male


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