Excitation au soleil
A couple awaits for the arrival of their friend and his new fiancee. An attractive woman with long blonde hair shows up and they assume it's her. The woman has the idea to start screwing everyone in sight. Then when the actual fiancee shows up they assume that she is the hired help and is treated as such. By the time their buddy arrives everyone has pretty much banged everyone else.
Release Date : 1978-03-22
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : CanadaFrance
Alternative Titles : Naked and Beautiful
Character Name : Corinne
Original Name : Danièle Troeger
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Morgane
Gender : Female
Character Name : Robert
Original Name : Thierry de Brem
Gender : Male
Character Name : Antoine
Original Name : Olivier Mathot
Gender : Male
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