- All we need to do is whisper.
Cut off from civilisation, a single mother puts her children on high alert when they bring home a young girl caked in clay. She tells of spirits and spirit hunters, but these are not mere superstitions. As more strangers show up on her doorstep, she quickly finds another reason to fear the forest.
Release Date : 2020-08-06
Language :Malay
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Kuman Pictures
Production Country : Malaysia
Alternative Titles : Soul
Character Name : Mak
Original Name : Farah Ahmad
Gender : Female
Character Name : Along
Original Name : Mhia Farhana
Gender : Male
Character Name : Angah
Original Name : Harith Haziq
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tok
Original Name : June Lojong
Gender : Male
Character Name : Pemburu
Original Name : Namron
Gender : Male
Character Name : Adik
Original Name : Putri Qaseh
Gender : Male
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