
The Itch


At the first sign of an itch, Addy feels like something could be very wrong. With constant deflection by her husband and doctor, Addy decides to take matters into her own hands.

Release Date : 2019-10-05

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Chelsea Jordan

Character Name : Addy

Original Name : Chelsea Jordan

Gender : Female

Shayn Herndon

Character Name : Enzo

Original Name : Shayn Herndon

Gender : Male

Bobby Gutierrez

Character Name : Doctor Bunker

Original Name : Bobby Gutierrez

Gender : Male

Nicholas Daue

Character Name : Handyman

Original Name : Nicholas Daue

Gender : Male






When you got that itch you can’t scratch... Such good visual and sounds to get the viewer into the same mindset as the woman dealing with it. The ending raised further questions on that itch though.