


Deep fractures within a family dynamic begin to surface during a getaway to the Isles of Scilly.

Release Date : 2011-03-04

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Wild Horse Film Company

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Tom Hiddleston

Character Name : Edward

Original Name : Tom Hiddleston

Gender : Male

Lydia Leonard

Character Name : Cynthia

Original Name : Lydia Leonard

Gender : Female

Kate Fahy

Character Name : Patricia

Original Name : Kate Fahy

Gender : Female

Amy Lloyd

Character Name : Rose

Original Name : Amy Lloyd

Gender : Male

Christopher Baker

Character Name : Christopher

Original Name : Christopher Baker

Gender : Male

Andrew Lawson

Character Name : Head Gardener

Original Name : Andrew Lawson

Gender : Male

Mike Pender

Character Name : Lobster Fisherman

Original Name : Mike Pender

Gender : Male






We start and finish with the star of this film. The helicopter. Otherwise, this is a rather unremarkable soap of a story that sees a family reconvene on the remote Scilly Isles. You just know that when they have all arrived, familial discord will soon be in the air and although the film certainly looks lovely, the subsequent melodrama develops little substance to the characterisations and is chronically middle-class and pedestrian. Tom Hiddleston is a positive drip as "Edward" delivering his overwritten lines to his sister "Cynthia" (Lydia Leonard) who seems only capable of replying in tones of disdain and contempt. The narrative seems bent on contriving scenarios - both past and present - to force the thing and the characters to become interesting. For Joanna Hogg, it seems she is determined to bring some authenticity to this tale of wealthy people enjoying the privileges and pitfalls of their social status - good or bad! Maybe the title has a (not so) hidden meaning about those folks joined by birth but separated by constant personal maelstroms, but for me it is just far too wordy and up itself with far too much - admittedly beautiful - shots of the scenery. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood - but this just wasn't for me.