
The Heavenly Plan


Two altar boys that live in a small church in the middle of the jungle. They grew under the tutelage of Father Roberto, an elderly priest who was their mentor. Now, at the end of his life, they must protect and take care of him. Eustaquio pretends to be in command of the church and Heriberto only thinks about Maria, a beautiful young woman that barely pays attention to him. These young men face their frst existential crisis that leads them to launch a risky plan, a heavenly plan

Release Date : 2019-11-14

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Valga S.R.L.Productora De La Tierra

Production Country : Argentina

Alternative Titles :


Gastón Pauls

Character Name : Eustaquio

Original Name : Gastón Pauls

Gender : Male

Víctor Laplace

Character Name : Padre Roberto

Original Name : Víctor Laplace

Gender : Male

Javier Lester

Character Name : Heriberto

Original Name : Javier Lester

Gender : Male

Paula Sartor

Character Name : María

Original Name : Paula Sartor

Gender : Female


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