
Your Name is Justine


While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to free herself and stay sane as time goes by and her captors try to break and condition her to a new life of servitude.

Release Date : 2005-08-30

Language :EnglishPolishGerman

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Opus FilmHemispheres Films

Production Country : LuxembourgPoland

Alternative Titles :


Anna Cieślak

Character Name : Mariola

Original Name : Anna Cieślak

Gender : Female

Rafał Maćkowiak

Character Name : Artur

Original Name : Rafał Maćkowiak

Gender : Male

Arno Frisch

Character Name : Niko

Original Name : Arno Frisch

Gender : Male

Jale Arıkan

Character Name : Nadenka

Original Name : Jale Arıkan

Gender : Female

Dominique Pinon

Character Name : Oncle Goran

Original Name : Dominique Pinon

Gender : Male

Mathieu Carrière

Character Name : Gunter

Original Name : Mathieu Carrière

Gender : Male

Małgorzata Buczkowska

Character Name : Hania

Original Name : Małgorzata Buczkowska

Gender : Female

Katarzyna Cygler

Character Name : Ola

Original Name : Katarzyna Cygler

Gender : Male

David Scheller

Character Name : Yurij

Original Name : David Scheller

Gender : Male

Maciej Kozłowski

Character Name : egzaminator w masarni

Original Name : Maciej Kozłowski

Gender : Male


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