
My Little Sister


Berlin playwright Lisa follows her husband Martin to Switzerland, where he manages a private school. However, when her twin brother Sven’s leukaemia begins to wreak havoc on his health, she decides she must return to her roots, which has significant consequences for her relationship.

Release Date : 2020-09-03

Language :GermanFrenchEnglish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Vega Film

Production Country : Switzerland

Alternative Titles :


Nina Hoss

Character Name : Lisa

Original Name : Nina Hoss

Gender : Female

Lars Eidinger

Character Name : Sven

Original Name : Lars Eidinger

Gender : Male

Marthe Keller

Character Name : Kathy

Original Name : Marthe Keller

Gender : Female

Jens Albinus

Character Name : Martin

Original Name : Jens Albinus

Gender : Male

Thomas Ostermeier

Character Name : David

Original Name : Thomas Ostermeier

Gender : Male

Linne-Lu Lungershausen

Character Name : Linne-Lu

Original Name : Linne-Lu Lungershausen

Gender : Male

Noah Tscharland

Character Name : Noah

Original Name : Noah Tscharland

Gender : Male

Isabelle Caillat

Character Name : Assistant Headmaster

Original Name : Isabelle Caillat

Gender : Female

Moritz Gottwald

Character Name : Lukas

Original Name : Moritz Gottwald

Gender : Male

Jenny König

Character Name : Actress

Original Name : Jenny König

Gender : Male

Urs Jucker

Character Name : Actor

Original Name : Urs Jucker

Gender : Male

Nicolas Hislaire

Character Name : School Board Member

Original Name : Nicolas Hislaire

Gender : Male

Leili Yahr

Character Name : President of the School Board

Original Name : Leili Yahr

Gender : Male

Jenna Hasse

Character Name : Shopkeeper

Original Name : Jenna Hasse

Gender : Male

León David Salazar

Character Name : Gay Guy in Toilet

Original Name : León David Salazar

Gender : Male

Valerio Scamuffa

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Valerio Scamuffa

Gender : Male

Dominique Gubser

Character Name : Nurse

Original Name : Dominique Gubser

Gender : Male

Paulo dos Santos

Character Name : Doctor

Original Name : Paulo dos Santos

Gender : Male

Pierre-Isaie Duc

Character Name : Man in the Cafeteria

Original Name : Pierre-Isaie Duc

Gender : Male

Stefanie Günther Pizarro

Character Name : Hematologist

Original Name : Stefanie Günther Pizarro

Gender : Male






'My Little Sister' is certainly harrowing at times, never shying away from the expected trauma of a terminal illness, but it is the constant nurturing of Lisa that really gives this film the weight it needs. For all of the films that focus on cancer, there just aren't that many from the carer's perspective, and even fewer told through the eyes of a sibling. There are literary and classical references woven throughout, and while often they are too on the nose and take the audience out of focus, they are still a clever device that allows Chuat and Reymond to achieve their goal. For an emotional, moving and sensitive narrative, 'My Little Sister' generally hits the right notes, and even when it doesn't, the calibre of performances make it a worthwhile viewing experience. - Joel Kalkopf Read Joel's full article... https://www.maketheswitch.com.au/article/review-my-little-sister-a-moving-and-sensitive-portrayal-on-the-effects-of-illness