Sky. Plane. Girl.
- For those who like to fly
Based on Edvard Radzinsky’s play "104 Pages about Love". They saw each other in a cafe. They could not meet, as in this cafe there was nobody but the bartender. And then for a long time they lived, not seeing anyone around: love is self-sufficient, it rejects the superfluous. Meetings at the desolate metro station "Arbatskaya". He will make time between business trips, she between flights. Flowers and kisses outside, in the cold rain. A bed in his empty bright house. Parting again. But soon he will understand that "the most beautiful girl in Moscow and the Moscow region" is his fate...
Release Date : 2002-09-02
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Bogvud Kino
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles : Sky. Plane. Girl
Character Name : Lara
Original Name : Рената Литвинова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Georgi
Original Name : Дмитрий Орлов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maxim
Original Name : Ярослав Бойко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Myshka
Original Name : Инга Оболдина
Gender : Female
Character Name : Captain
Original Name : Михаил Ефремов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Bartender
Original Name : Константин Мурзенко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Georgi's friend
Original Name : Maksim Kurochkin
Gender : Male
Character Name : Old woman
Original Name : Янина Когут
Gender : Female
Character Name : Dispatcher
Original Name : Светлана Свибильская
Gender : Female
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