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Lucas and Simón, friends who work in a creative agency in Bogotá, throw a party as a favor to their boss, Johana. There, Lucas meets Lina, Johana's paisa cousin who travels to Bogotá to get a visa and go to study fashion design in the United States. Madly in love, Lucas travels to Medellin to try to conquer Lina, where he will realize that Before conquering her, she will have to conquer her paisa family.
Release Date : 2020-01-23
Language :Spanish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Dynamo
Production Country : Colombia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Lina Jaramillo
Original Name : Laura Londoño
Gender : Female
Character Name : Lucas Samper
Original Name : Roberto Urbina
Gender : Male
Character Name : Simón Loaiza
Original Name : Raúl Ocampo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Johana Jaramillo
Original Name : Monica Lopera
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Julián Arango
Gender : Male
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