Fathers Are People
George Geef rushes to the office to inform his fellow employees, "Hey, fellas! I'm a father!". Unfortunately, Geef later learns that, with fatherhood, comes responsibility and lots of it. He must discipline his son when he starts fighting with neighboring kids, filling his pipe with bubble water, and pestering him while he tries to read the newspaper. But most difficult of all is getting him to pick up his toys which is no easy task. Finally, he gets ready to apply hair brush to child's behind but is talked out of it when he sees his son sleeping peacefully. "Kids, they're wonderful," he concludes.
Release Date : 1951-10-21
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Walt Disney Productions
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Goofy Jr. (voice) (uncredited)
Original Name : Bobby Driscoll
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mrs. Goof (voice) (uncredited)
Original Name : June Foray
Gender : Female
Character Name : Goofy (voice) (uncredited)
Original Name : Bob Jackman
Gender : Male
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