
Likha Beda Nachalo


A new modern communist youth shoe store The shoe house is opening in a city. School graduates headed by Tamara Berezina are sent there on a business trip for work. Now all kind of problems and defects of modern services sector are in front of them. And Tamara with her team just cant put up with one of these defects and start the fight. The fact is that the factory situated in the city floods their store with inferior shoes, in chase of going over the quota. With help of mass media in the face of young journalist, fellows are trying to change the existing state of things.

Release Date : 1985-06-06

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Valentin Smirnitskiy

Character Name : Pavel Fyodorovich

Original Name : Валентин Смирнитский

Gender : Male

Alexandr Domogarov

Character Name : Anton

Original Name : Александр Домогаров

Gender : Male

Valentina Talyzina

Character Name :

Original Name : Валентина Талызина

Gender : Female

Aleksandr Demyanenko

Character Name : Semyonov

Original Name : Александр Демьяненко

Gender : Male

Aleksandr Novikov

Character Name : Владимир Филиппович Скворцов - секретарь горкома ВЛКСМ

Original Name : Александр Новиков

Gender : Male


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