
The Crazy Family


The Kobayashi family finally are able to move out of their tiny, cramped Tokyo apartment to the suburban house of their dreams. But things are not as perfect as they seem: the house is infested by termites and the family starts going crazy. As the Kobayashis' house begins to crumble, so does the sanity of its inhabitants. Father Katsuhiko takes it upon himself to keep them from the asylum… at any cost.

Release Date : 1984-06-24

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : International Television Films, Inc.Art Theatre GuildDirectors Company

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Katsuya Kobayashi

Character Name : Katsuhiko Kobayashi

Original Name : 小林克也

Gender : Male

Mitsuko Baisho

Character Name : Saeko Kobayashi

Original Name : 倍賞美津子

Gender : Female

Youki Kudoh

Character Name : Erika Kobayashi

Original Name : 工藤夕貴

Gender : Female

Yoshiki Arizono

Character Name : Masaki Kobayashi

Original Name : 有薗芳記

Gender : Male

Hitoshi Ueki

Character Name : Yasukune Kobayashi

Original Name : 植木等

Gender : Male

Kazuhiko Kishino

Character Name : Announcer (voice)

Original Name : 岸野一彦

Gender : Male

Akira Ogata

Character Name :

Original Name : 緒方明

Gender : Male

Toyoko Koumi

Character Name :

Original Name : Toyoko Koumi

Gender : Female

Iwao Hayashizaki

Character Name :

Original Name : Iwao Hayashizaki

Gender : Male

Nobuhiro Gomori

Character Name :

Original Name : Nobuhiro Gomori

Gender : Male

Yoshinori Inoue

Character Name :

Original Name : Yoshinori Inoue

Gender : Male

Hirona Takahashi

Character Name :

Original Name : Hirona Takahashi

Gender : Male

Kunihiro Ide

Character Name :

Original Name : Kunihiro Ide

Gender : Male

Alex Ablamov

Character Name :

Original Name : Alex Ablamov

Gender : Male


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