Alpine Fire
- a story of love without bonds.
A year on an Alpine farm: an older couple have two children, Belli, who wanted to be a teacher, and the younger Franzi, deaf, and although he works like a man, child-like. Belli teaches him. In his work, he can become frustrated, so when he throws an expensive mower over a cliff in a fit of pique, his father banishes him to the outskirts of the farm, where he uses pubescent energy to break rocks and build walls and cairns. (It's the tradition of the father's family, called "The Irascibles" by neighbors, to spend puberty doing this.) Belli visits him and they begin sleeping together. By winter, the boy is back in the house and Belli is pregnant. Soon her parents must know.
Release Date : 1985-09-02
Language :German
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Walter SchnochLangfilm
Production Country : Switzerland
Alternative Titles : Alpine Fire
Character Name : Der Bub
Original Name : Thomas Nock
Gender : Male
Character Name : Belli
Original Name : Johanna Lier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mutter
Original Name : Dorothea Moritz
Gender : Female
Character Name : Vater
Original Name : Rolf Illig
Gender : Male
Character Name : Großmutter
Original Name : Tilli Breidenbach
Gender : Female
Character Name : Großvater
Original Name : Jörg Odermatt
Gender : Male
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