


Lonely and bored, two boys attempt to establish some sort of intimacy with one another in the East Bay hills.

Release Date : 2015-09-10

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Leland Montgomery

Character Name : John

Original Name : Leland Montgomery

Gender : Male

Christopher Matias Aguila

Character Name : Paul

Original Name : Christopher Matias Aguila

Gender : Male






Auteur Leland Montgomery is "John", a young man who is cottaging with "Paul" (Christopher Matias Aguila) when outdoor noises compel them to seek a more private location for their peccadilloes. As they walk, the former introduces himself and endeavours to chat, but his new-found friend appears focussed on the anonymity of the sex. Quickly, the dynamic falters and "John" decides that maybe this isn't for him just as the latter man reconsiders his own attitude to the scenario. It's quite nicely shot and has an authentic-looking nervousness to it as the men go from something quite visceral to something a little more intimate before... It packs quite a lot into six minutes and is worth a gander.