


Roberto is a middle class working professional trying to survive hyperinflation amid the Venezuelan crisis while maintaining his unemployed mother. An argument breaks out when she asks him to buy flour for her birthday cake. In an effort to make amends, he resorts to the black market to buy the scarce food, but gets caught in the violent looting of a market.

Release Date : 2018-11-21

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Vannel Productions

Production Country : Venezuela

Alternative Titles :


Gabriel Agüero

Character Name : Roberto

Original Name : Gabriel Agüero

Gender : Male

Moisés Berroterán

Character Name : Líder

Original Name : Moisés Berroterán

Gender : Male

Juliana Cuervos

Character Name : Teresa

Original Name : Juliana Cuervos

Gender : Female


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