


When Jonas loses his job at a Hamburg startup company, he doesn’t have the heart to tell his girlfriend Katharina, as her nerves are already on the edge with her final law exams coming up. Every morning he leaves their flat and drift aimless through the metropole on endless underground rides. After a chance meeting with his former boss Marc, Jonas starts to observe the young manager. His curiosity gradually turns into obsession, small and bigger everyday lies become a kind of survival strategy for Jonas. While Katharina notices his increasingly odd behavior, Jonas is losing control over events more and more. Flood deals with feelings of powerlessness of the individual facing a growing competitive and performance pressure. The fear of failing in a perceived competition of life kicks off a spiral of wrong decisions, with no apparent way out. Georg Pelzer’s debut was shot basing on a 20-page plot description, dialogues and actions where improvised with the actors on location.

Release Date : 2020-10-29

Language :German

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Georg PelzerBauhaus-Universität Weimar

Production Country : Germany

Alternative Titles :


Fabian Kloiber

Character Name : Jonas

Original Name : Fabian Kloiber

Gender : Male

Alissa Borchert

Character Name : Katharina

Original Name : Alissa Borchert

Gender : Male

Tobias Schormann

Character Name : Marc

Original Name : Tobias Schormann

Gender : Male

Tamara Theisen

Character Name : Melissa

Original Name : Tamara Theisen

Gender : Male

Gregor Müller

Character Name : Paul

Original Name : Gregor Müller

Gender : Male


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