

- Is it possible for something so cruel to be so beautiful?

Two police detectives Numata and Tosaka infiltrate a group of underground black market human organ dealers. Things go haywire during a raid on the group's surgical headquarters. Numata barely escapes, while a wounded Tosaka gets left behind. Through a series of surreal and gory events, the identities of the organ dealers are revealed as Numata plans his revenge.

Release Date : 1996-07-06

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Organ Vital

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Kei Fujiwara

Character Name : Yoko

Original Name : 不二稿京

Gender : Female

Kimihiko Hasegawa

Character Name : Dr. Jun Saeki

Original Name : Kimihiko Hasegawa

Gender : Male

Kenji Nasa

Character Name : Numata

Original Name : Kenji Nasa

Gender : Male

Shun Sugata

Character Name : Nakanishi

Original Name : 菅田俊

Gender : Male

Natsuyo Kanahama

Character Name : Corpse of Female High-school Student

Original Name : Natsuyo Kanahama

Gender : Male


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