
The Little Story of Gwen from French Brittany


In 2007, the French filmmaker and my dear friend Agnès Varda called me before coming to L.A. with a question: would I agree to let her film my L.A. story? The video you are about to watch is the story of our first encounter in Paris in 1996 and in the years since, how our shared reverence for cinema formed the bonds of an everlasting friendship, and how the Cinematheque became like home.

Release Date : 2008-01-01

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Gwen Deglise

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Gwen Deglise

Gender : Male

Dennis Bartok

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Dennis Bartok

Gender : Male

Agnès Varda

Character Name : Self

Original Name : Agnès Varda

Gender : Female


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