
Mood Swings


Romantic comedy about a woman struggling with work and romance as she tries to figure out how to really live and love. Directed by Kataoka Shuji of the "Shin janki" and "Yakuza no daimon" series. Shimamura Misaki (Seto Saki), who works for a company in the restaurant industry, is a go-getter spinning her wheels and making little headway in either romance or work. An older colleague asks her to organize a wedding, and then she gets asked to serve as an interim manager at an udon shop operated by her company. Her troubles pile on, and then the restaurant manager Iwabuchi Tatsuya (Shibata Akiyoshi) does a certain something to the exhausted Misaki.

Release Date : 2016-02-01

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Legend Pictures

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Seto Saki

Character Name : Shimamura Misaki

Original Name : 咲嬉

Gender : Female

Akiyoshi Shibata

Character Name : Iwabuchi Tatsuya

Original Name : 柴田明良

Gender : Male

Haruna Yabuki

Character Name : Eto Rinko

Original Name : 阿部真里

Gender : Female

Rin Ogawa

Character Name :

Original Name : 緒川凛

Gender : Female

Shirō Shimomoto

Character Name :

Original Name : 下元史朗

Gender : Male

Akira Aoyama

Character Name :

Original Name : Akira Aoyama

Gender : Male


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