
Woman of Lactic Acid Bacteria Beverage Salesperson


Haruki and Motoki are third year high school students. For the spring break assignment, "Character Document Essay", he was tracking the vice president of the student council, Chisato, in order to uncover her sexual tendencies. One day, he sees a woman selling the lactic acid bacteria drink "Yokul" in the line at the bus stop. The two become interested in the woman who is wearing her uniform and attracting the attention of the office workers. They change their target from Chisato to a female lactic acid bacteria drink salesperson and begin tailing her...

Release Date : 2017-06-02

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles :


Takuya Yoshihara

Character Name :

Original Name : 吉原拓弥

Gender : Male

Saryu Usui

Character Name :

Original Name : 卯水咲流

Gender : Female

Kohki Osamura

Character Name :

Original Name : 長村航希

Gender : Male

Yûto Muguruma

Character Name :

Original Name : 六車勇登

Gender : Male


Character Name :

Original Name : 落丸紗矢

Gender : Male


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