
DAU. Nora Mother


Once just a girl from the provinces, Nora is now married to a successful scientist and lives together with her family within the confines of a secret and privileged Moscow institute. Nora is visited by her mother for the first time since her wedding. Her mother closely observes the atmosphere within the couple's home, trying to work out whether her daughter is happy. During the course of their intimate conversations the complexity of their contradictory relationship is revealed.

Release Date : 2020-04-24

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Phenomen Berlin Filmproduktions (DE)Phenomen UkrainePhenomen Films

Production Country : United KingdomGermanyRussiaUkraine

Alternative Titles :


Radmila Shegoleva

Character Name : Nora

Original Name : Radmila Shegoleva

Gender : Female

Lydia Shegoleva

Character Name : Nora’s mother

Original Name : Lydia Shegoleva

Gender : Female

Teodor Currentzis

Character Name : Dau

Original Name : Teodor Currentzis

Gender : Male


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