The film revolves around five individual characters and the events in their life, that, on the one hand, changes everything in their respective lives, which the film's title refers to, and, on the other hand, also brings together these people. It is an anthology film, that contains two parallel moving stories, which are connected by a freak accident in Chennai. A young architect, falls in love with a young beautiful pediatric doctor, runs after her and tries to convince her to marry her, while, simultaneously, a morose ex-football coach troubles a software engineer by vowing to kill his eight-year-old son. How these characters get connected and confronted through the accident forms the crux of the story.
Release Date : 2009-05-15
Language :Tamil
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : India
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Karthik
Original Name : Arya
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sandhya
Original Name : Trisha Krishnan
Gender : Female
Character Name : Naushad
Original Name : Indrajith Sukumaran
Gender : Male
Character Name : Gheetha
Original Name : Anu Hasan
Gender : Female
Character Name : Psychiatrist
Original Name : Prathap Pothan
Gender : Male
Character Name : Eashwar
Original Name : J. D. Chakravarthi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Krishna
Original Name : Krishnakumar Ramakumar
Gender : Male
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