
In the Shadow of the Pines

- Unearthing the memories that shape us

In the Shadow of the Pines is an animated short documentary about a difficult father-daughter relationship. Drawing on childhood memories, Anne Koizumi, the filmmaker, explores her upbringing with her Japanese immigrant dad, who was also the janitor at the elementary school she attended. The film explores the idea of shame and how it can shape and define us while also concealing who we can truly become.

Release Date : 2020-04-24

Language :EnglishJapanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles :


Anne Koizumi

Character Name : Daughter

Original Name : Anne Koizumi

Gender : Male

Mikio Owaki

Character Name : Father

Original Name : Mikio Owaki

Gender : Male


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