Now, I...
Satoru belongs to the growing group of NEETs (‘not engaged in employment, education or training’). Hardly leaving his room in his mother’s house and without any real contact to the outside world, he lives a secluded life. When his mother’s friend Tosawa tries to help him to break out of his inner prison, things do not get any easier for Satoru.
Release Date : 2008-04-08
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Satoru Suzuki
Original Name : 竹馬靖具
Gender : Male
Character Name : Fujisawa
Original Name : Yoshiharu Fujisawa
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Masato Shiga
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yoshimi Suzuki (as Ben)
Original Name : Qyoko Kudo
Gender : Female
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