
Black Horse Memories


A group of young people are trying to teach Kurdish in Turkish Kurdistan, a land where the teaching of the language is forbidden by Turkish authorities. Part of their work is to print clandestine schoolbooks in underground schools and distribute them. One of the girls in the group, Aseke, is killed on a mission and her friends decide to carry out the final request she made in her will. She had been brought up with a black horse, now in the remote Anatolian mountains, and her request is to bring the horse back so that they might meet one last time before she is buried. The arrival of the horse leads to some unexpected events.

Release Date : 2015-10-07

Language :KurdishTurkish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : IranTurkey

Alternative Titles :


Berrak Tüzünataç

Character Name : Zaria

Original Name : Berrak Tüzünataç

Gender : Female

Vildan Atasever

Character Name : Vian

Original Name : Vildan Atasever

Gender : Female

Aziz Çapkurt

Character Name : Elias

Original Name : Aziz Çapkurt

Gender : Male

Bilal Bulut

Character Name : Khezr

Original Name : Bilal Bulut

Gender : Male

Şevval Sam

Character Name : Hemşire

Original Name : Şevval Sam

Gender : Female

Diman Zandi

Character Name : Aseke

Original Name : Diman Zandi

Gender : Female

Maryam Boubani

Character Name : Aseke's Mother

Original Name : Maryam Boubani

Gender : Female

Tara Jaff

Character Name : Shahmaran

Original Name : Tara Jaff

Gender : Male


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