
People in Swimsuits Aren't (Necessarily) Shallow


A week on St-Martin with vacationing Parisians. Camille surprises her lover Philippe, who's with his wife and children. Lonely Laurette, a secretary, hopes to meet a man. Aziz brings his enthusiastic brother Rafik because his boss had two tickets he couldn't use. Lovers Pauline and the pregnant, cranky Anita find their vacation complicated by an ex-lover of Pauline's. The playboy Jimmy is the hotel M.C., and Carla, free-spirited and sensual, coaches Laurette in the ways of seduction. She is hot and cold to these wiles, alternately attracting and putting off Aziz, hoping Jimmy will try to seduce her, and afraid he might. By week's end, with the help of Camille's diary, we'll know the outcomes.

Release Date : 2001-01-10

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles :


Isabelle Gélinas

Character Name : Laurette

Original Name : Isabelle Gélinas

Gender : Female

Agnès Soral

Character Name : Anita

Original Name : Agnès Soral

Gender : Female

Gad Elmaleh

Character Name : Jimmy

Original Name : Gad Elmaleh

Gender : Male

Serge Hazanavicius

Character Name : Philippe

Original Name : Serge Hazanavicius

Gender : Male

Véronique Boulanger

Character Name : Pauline

Original Name : Véronique Boulanger

Gender : Female

Sandrine Le Berre

Character Name : Camille

Original Name : Sandrine Le Berre

Gender : Female

Vanessa Gravina

Character Name : Carla

Original Name : Vanessa Gravina

Gender : Female

Maher Kamoun

Character Name : Aziz

Original Name : Maher Kamoun

Gender : Male

Yasmine Belmadi

Character Name : Rafik

Original Name : Yasmine Belmadi

Gender : Male

Édouard Montoute

Character Name : Lulu

Original Name : Édouard Montoute

Gender : Male


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