Jessica has little time to be a mother. It is on public transport - on the way between Nova Iguaçu and the South Zone of Rio - that she spends most of her time with her son Zeca. Young and black, Jéssica is always in a hurry: in addition to being a single mother, she is also a university student and intern at an advertising agency. Nothing comes easy for her. A former public school student, Zeca now has a scholarship to an elite school in Gávea, but he is no longer the happy, communicative child he once was.
Release Date : 2020-11-23
Language :Portuguese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Encantamento Filmes
Production Country : Brazil
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Jéssica
Original Name : Juliana França
Gender : Male
Character Name : Professora
Original Name : Aisha Jambo
Gender : Female
Character Name : Zeca
Original Name : Pedro Moura
Gender : Male
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