
Intimate Grammar


"Intimate Grammar" is a sensitive study of an inner journey rich in detailed observation. A dysfunctional family and delayed puberty make life miserable for a pre-adolescent growing up in Jerusalem in the 1960's. The film, an adaptation of David Grossman's "The Book of Intimate Grammar", shows our hero, Aharon Kleinfeld, striving to survive his domineering mother, his anti-intellectual father and his own diminutive stature in a setting of a lower-middle-class housing development where gossip is rampant and appearances are all important.

Release Date : 2010-09-23

Language :Hebrew

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Libretto FilmsNorma Productions

Production Country : Israel

Alternative Titles :


Yehuda Almagor

Character Name : Moshe

Original Name : Yehuda Almagor

Gender : Male

Roee Elsberg

Character Name : Aharon

Original Name : Roee Elsberg

Gender : Male

Evelyn Kaplun

Character Name : Edna

Original Name : Evelyn Kaplun

Gender : Female

Orly Zilberschatz

Character Name : Hinda

Original Name : אורלי זילברשץ

Gender : Female

Rivka Gur

Character Name : Mamchu

Original Name : Rivka Gur

Gender : Male

Limor Goldstein

Character Name : Mrs. Smitanka

Original Name : Limor Goldstein

Gender : Male

Yael Sgerski

Character Name : Yochi

Original Name : Yael Sgerski

Gender : Male

Eden Luttenberg

Character Name : Gidon

Original Name : Eden Luttenberg

Gender : Male


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