I Am Kalam
The film celebrates the survival of the human spirit against overwhelming odds and highlights the need for underprivileged children's education. Its a film based on former indian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and is aimed at inspiring the poor to educate their children. Written by DaGambit Chhotu's peasant village is ruined by drought, so his ma drops the boy with uncle Bhati, who runs a tea stand at the city outskirts. Clever Chottu, who calls himself Kalam after the self-made Indian president, soon outsmarts uncle's adult assistant and makes friends with the loneliest boy in the palace, now a hotel, a prince his age.
Release Date : 2010-10-15
Language :HindiEnglish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : India
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Bhati
Original Name : Gulshan Grover
Gender : Male
Character Name : Chhotu/Kalam
Original Name : Harsh Mayar
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kunver Ranvijay Singh
Original Name : Hussan Saad
Gender : Male
Character Name : Laptan
Original Name : Pitobash
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lucy
Original Name : Beatrice Ordeix
Gender : Male
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