Adult Hazing
Ji-seok's libido wanes whenever he stands in front of a woman. One day, while sleeping alone in his friend's house, drunk Hye-eun mistook Ji-seok for Dong-cheol and then ran off. Ji-seok spent the hot night first, and Dong-cheol directed and watched it. Hye-eun later became angry after learning that she was with Ji-seok, but she happened to know his problem. In the end, she continues the relationship to help Ji-seok.
Release Date : 2020-06-23
Language :Korean
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : South Korea
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Ji-seok's Girlfriend
Original Name : 진주
Gender : Female
Character Name : Hye-eun
Original Name : Tae Hee
Gender : Female
Character Name : Dong-cheol
Original Name : Jo Yong-bok
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ji-seok
Original Name : Jung Won-II
Gender : Male
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