The Men Who Stole the World
They're bankers, traders, investment funds executives. They forgot all about morality to make money. The entire world had to suffer the consequences of their actions. They impoverished countries, drove millions of workers into unemployment, and contributed to the rise in extremism. So who are they? And, after the 2008 crisis, were the real culprits condemned? Could there be another?
Release Date : 2018-09-19
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Premières Lignes
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Phillip J Baker
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Richard Bowen
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Anton R Valukas
Gender : Male
Character Name : Himself
Original Name : Oliver Budde
Gender : Male
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