

- Misteri Keranda Masuk Jendela

During the Ramadan month, Baedah, who is accustomed to "ndobel", returns to the seven dailies of his neighbor's death. Mardiyah, who did not receive the blessing of rice because of Baedah's actions, became furious and eventually invited the residents to frighten Baedah by pretending to be a haunting spirit. Baedah also received terror for his behavior which also affected his family.

Release Date : 2019-12-30

Language :IndonesianJavanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : BAKARASA FilmMADEP MANTEB LABPadi Padi Creative

Production Country : Indonesia

Alternative Titles :


Siti Fauziah

Character Name : Baedah

Original Name : Siti Fauziah

Gender : Female

Isma Imung

Character Name : Mardiyah

Original Name : Isma Imung

Gender : Male

Devina Aureel

Character Name : Mira

Original Name : Devina Aureel

Gender : Female

Bandel Ilyas

Character Name : Sigit

Original Name : Bandel Ilyas

Gender : Male

Yakobus Tosansejati Dinar Purnomo

Character Name : Bagas

Original Name : Yakobus Tosansejati Dinar Purnomo

Gender : Male


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