First Love
A university student has the usual dreams and aspirations. It turns out to be a pipe dream and so she murders her own flesh and blood. The usual media heads seek an answer in order to sell copy. A psychologist is writing a book about the character and incident. Her research for the subject matter turn the psychologist inward and things come out of the shadows that perhaps are better left buried deep in the shadows of the psyche.
Release Date : 2021-02-21
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : KADOKAWAOffice Crescendo
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Yuki Makabe
Original Name : 北川景子
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kasho Anno
Original Name : 中村倫也
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kanna Hijiriyama
Original Name : 芳根京子
Gender : Female
Character Name : Gamon Makabe
Original Name : 窪塚洋介
Gender : Male
Character Name : Naoto Hijiriyama
Original Name : 板尾創路
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yuji Koizumi
Original Name : 石田法嗣
Gender : Male
Character Name : Yoichi Kagawa
Original Name : 清原翔
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sanae Makabe
Original Name : 高岡早紀
Gender : Female
Character Name : Akina Hijiriyama
Original Name : 木村佳乃
Gender : Female
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