North by Current
Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his rural Michigan hometown following the death of his infant niece and the subsequent arrest of his brother-in-law as the culprit. Using the audio-visual approaches of essay film, first-person cinema vérité, staged actions, and decades of home movies, Madsen navigates a town steeped in opioid addiction, economic depression, and religious fervor, while using the act of filmmaking to rebuild familial bonds and reimagine justice. Posing empathy as a tool for creating a more just world, North By Current does not seek to investigate a crime, but creates a relentless portrait of an enduring pastoral family, poised to reframe and reimagine narratives about incarceration, addiction, trans embodiment, and ruralness.
Release Date : 2021-03-01
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Field of VisionJustFilms / Ford FoundationTribeca Film InstituteSundance InstituteAmerican DocumentaryOpen Society FoundationsCatapult Film Fund
Production Country : United States of America
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